Monday, February 25, 2008

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.

I know how busy she is back at home but I can always count on her on occasions such as having a baby, giving my mission farewell talk at church, taking me to the MTC (she is not even a member), supporting me on a mission, graduation ( except this last one because it was in May and she came in June to help with Lucas' birth), among MANY other things.

This is my mom and my two beautiful kids.

I just want to say Thanks to my mom for all that she has done for me. I can't imagine not having her as my role model. She has been an incredible Mom and I love her so much. She is amazing. Everything she does is great, it looks great, it tastes great, it feels good. She is an amazing person and an amazing Mom. Although we are so far from each other it has been very comforting to feel her love and support in everything that I do. She has helped many of my dreams come true. She is always looking for ways to help us and never gives up on us. I am also amazed at how well she knows me and knows my needs. She lives far from us but she always says the right words when I need them the most! I admire her for many reasons but most importantly for her love and constant support. She is a great example to me. She was blessed to have a wonderful mother and I am also blessed to have her as my mom. Thanks Mom and we hope to see you sometime soon.

P.S. This quote reminds me of her.
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie". ~Tenneva Jordan

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ashley Elaine Dorius...

Ayer fue uno de esos dias en los que uno se pregunta...Para que era que yo queria hijos??? Lucas y Ashley ( los muy saludables) estan con la gripe y por supuesto eso significa no salida para ninguno incluyendo me a mi. Que divertido!! Lucas ha estado no solo con la gripe pero tambien con los dientes que le estan saliendo y encima Ashley se ha convertido en su derpertador. Desde la semana pasada que cuando Lucas se queda dormido en su cuna y ya no se le escucha Ashley va y se sube a su cuna. Por supuesto que el se despierta con un humor de pocos amigos. Eso es todo por Lucas ademas de que no le gusta que se le dija "deja eso" cuando esta tocando algo que no debe...Es muy sensible...Ashley por el otro lado cada dia sale con una historia nueva. Primero Tim se pasa todas las tardes cuando viene de la Universidad destrancando el inodoro de los papel higuienicos que Ashley tira. Aparte de eso se ha dedicado a la pintura como van a poder apreciar en las fotos y muy orgullosa de su trabajo ella pidio posar para la foto. Ahh no nos olvidemos de su vestido princesa. Yo lavo las ropas de ella pero lo que deberia lavar son sus vestidos. Hace unas semanas Tim se estaba prepando para irse al Hospital a hacer guardia en Urgencias. Cuando le vio a Tim con su chaqueta blanca le pregunta.. Wha you doing dadda? Que estas haciendo, dadda? Por lo que Tim le responde. Bueno yo me voy a ir al Hospital a hacer cosas que los doctores hacen. La interpretacion de Ashley fue. Oh mi papa es un doctor! Luego Tim le explico que no es un doctor pero no sirvio de nada. Al salir Tim le llevo al bano y me siento en el suelo frenta a ella a esperar que haga algo. Pero en lugar de hacer algo como pipi ella me dijo:

Ashley: Mama? Dadda is a Doctor.
Me: Well kind of
Ashley: I am a big sister
Me: Yes you are
Ashley: And you??? After much thought she said.. You are Cristina. Meaning you don't have a title or you are JUST Cristina

I laughed for hours..

mama? Dadda es un doctor
Yo le dije bueno no todavia
Y ella me dijo. Yo soy la hermana mayor
Por lo que le dije SI
Y luego me dijo
Y vos? Y penso y penso y me dijo..Vos sos Cristina
como diciendome no sos nada solamente sos Cristina.
Me hubiese encantado tener una filmadora ahi por la expresion de ella es algo que nunca me voy a olvidar. Luego le abraze y nos reimos muchisimo.
Tambien anda moviendo las sillas hasta donde estan los chupetines y se sienta ahi hasta comer todos los que ella quiere ademas de subirse a la mesa y bailar o saltar con un canjuro

Ashley con su obra maestra
La pared
El lavadero de manos
Comiendo chupetines

Nuestro bano se parece al del Colegio San Diego con diferencia de que aqui guardamos para que Ashley no tire dentro del inodoro y no porque se nos vaya a robar. O sea que mas vale que te acuerdes antes de entrar al bano de trae lo que vas a necesitar o de lo contrario estas...

Feliz Cumpleanos Tia kari!

Tia Kari Feliz Cumple te deseamos todos tus sobrinos y te deseamos lo mejor! Gracias por cuidarnos tan bien y mimarnos como tus propios hijos. Nos encanta estar contigo y los que no estamos cera te extranos mucho. Felicidades!!
Te queremos mucho,

Jose, Cristi, Martin, Caro, Ashley and Lucas.Una foto de nosotros dos~
Soy una loca, no te parece?
Lucas tiene una hermosa sonrisa y pense en compartirlo contigo
Jose el te manda muchos besos y abrazos y promete colaborar mas!

Gracias por cuidarme cuando estuve por alla. Me diverti muchisimo:)

Cristi, Martin y Caro
Esta es mi pose favorita... Y como siempre parezco una loca!

We haven't gone anywhere...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Valentine's week was fun for us. Many things going on among them our friends from Dallas ( The Johansen's) came Wednesday afternoon and left Thursday after lunch. It was nice to have some company and the kids enjoyed playing as they always do. Ashley and Kaylee are a pretty dangerous combination! Ashley as I have mentioned before as become a little devil and Kaylee though she is cute and sweet is a hand full. Wednesday we stayed home and Thursday we went to the YMCA to swim and then to Norman for a little tour. I took Alicia and the kids to the "Greek House" for lunch. This is a place by OU that has great Gyros! Tim and I think that they are one of the best and has memories of our college years. After lunch we didn't have much time but we got to see OU and one of the apartments where we lived. It was fun and we hope to see them soon.

For fun we have been going swimming at the YMCA and the kids love it! Lucas loves water so He gets pretty excited every time we go.

For Valentine's Day we had dinner together as a family. Tim came home kind of late and it was fine because the kids were awake and in a good mood so they all got to play a little bit before going to bed. Ashley loves her daddy. She gets so excited every time he gets home! Tim loves chocolate and here he is having some dessert with Lucas..Caramelized apples with nuts!!

Here is Ashley. She got some Dora and Diego Chocolates. She loved it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Daddy/Daughter Date

This was last year at the Daddy/Daughter Dance . 2007

Daddy/Daughter Dance 2007

Daddy/Daughter Date 2008

Ashley enjoying the game and the time with her daddy.

Last year Tim and Ashley went to a Daddy/Daughter Dance at the church and I loved the idea of them spending some quality time together around this time of the year. I have a friend back at home who gets roses from her dad every Valentine's Day even though she is now married and with kids she still gets roses from her dad and I think it's the cutest thing so I thought we could do that too. Now Ashley enjoys going to games so I thought that going to an ice hockey game will be great for her. Later as she gets older I like the idea of them going on a "date" to a nice restaurant and doing other things together that they will enjoy. If we have more girls he'll have to take them on separate dates and I am sure they are all going to love it. We also want to do what my friend's dad has been doing with his girls so as soon as our girls leave our home they'll get roses from their dad for Valentines' Day. I am sure Tim will send them flowers more often than that but at least I want them to know how much he loves them and I think this is a great way to do it. I'll have to think of something to do with the boys! Last night was great for me and Lucas. He went to bed around 7:30pm so I watched "Food Network" and had my favorite thing in this world ...oatmeal raisin cookies ( I just love them) and a smoothie ( you know we all need some fruits once in a while, right) . It was nice:) I can't wait for them to go out on a date again!

Esta es la foto de el Date que Tim tuvo con Ashley este fin de semana. Tim le llevo a un partido de Hockey en hielo y a ella le encanto. Queremos hacer esto con ella especialmente cuando se acerca el dia de San Valentin y tambien en cualquier momento que eso sea posible. A nosotros nos encantaria enviarles rosas a nuestras hijas una vez que se vayan de la casa aunque sea que ella esten casadas creemos que es una buena manera de hacerles recordar cuando las queremos y en especial a las nenas de su papa luego vere que puedo hacer con los varones. Anoche fue espectacular. Lucas se durmio a las 7:30pm y yo comi galletitas con un jugo de frutas. Que mas puedo pedir??

Feliz dia de los Enamorados!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What would I do without them?

Hace unas cuantas semanas estuve hablando con mi amiga Alicia de como algunas personas son muy emotivadoras que no necesitan ayuda de nadie para llevar algo acabo sin embargo hay otros que necesitan de un empujon, como yo, y fue asi que nos preguntamos cuales son las cosas/personas que nos impulsan a levantarnos cada manana/a hacer cosas positivas en nuestras vidas. Ella lo primero que respondio fue sus ninos y yo me rei y le dije...Pues a mi tambien ya que me levantan/despiertan porque lloran o ya estan hablando. Logicamente ella se referia al amor que le tiene a sus hijos y yo me puse a pensar en mi vida. No tuve que pensar mucho para saber que lo que realmente me motiva dia a dia es mi familia. Ashley, Lucas y Tim han sido de una gran ayuda en mis ultimos anos. A veces es dificil estar lejos de tus padres y hermanos pero el tenerles a ellos me a llenado mucho mi vida. Ashley siempre ha sido una nina muy especial. A pesar de que ultimamente anda muy traviesa tiene un espiritu muy lindo. Ella me ayuda bastante con Lucas y ha habido muchas ocasiones en las que me ha hecho sentir mucho mejor. Lucas es un nino bello. Lo unico que puedo decir de El es que es divino. Tiene una cara tan innocente y una sonrisa con la cual le compraria a cualquiera. Tim ha sido un verdadero companero. Lo que mas admiro de El es su rapidez en perdonar y sus deseos de servir y ayudar a los demas. Tambien cuantos nos quiere a nosotros y todas las cosas que hace para que yo me sienta mejor, sea feliz y para que los ninos sean felices. El les adora a Ashley y a Lucas. Nunca he conocido a nadie con una facilidad de perdonar como la de El y de olvidar. Ni yo no puedo creer como el se olvida de cosas que le causaron dolor en algun momento del cual muchos de nosotros recordariamos. Sus deseos de servir y de ayudar me han ayudado a ser menos egoista. En broma yo le dijo que cosas que quiero hacer cuando El sea un doctor y el me sale con otras cosas como crear un Hospital de Cancer para Ninos o viajar a paises donde las personas no tienen medios de recibir ayuda medica, o de donar a instituciones que ayudan a los demas. Estas tres personas me han ayudado bastante como lo he dicho en los ultimos anos pero no puedo olvidar aquellos que me formaron desde mi infancia. Mis padres, mis hermanos y mis tios asi como mama celida y Abuelo Victor.
Muchas gracias a todos!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Who switched our little angel for a little devil?

Ashley using Lucas' jumperoo??? You tell me.

This is Ashley after writing on her face. She thought it was very cool and funny.

Aren't toddlers just

It had to happen sooner or later. The terrible twos have finally arrived! This week has been by far one of my toughest ones as a mother. Ashley went wild and it was very hard for me to have patience with her. To name a few things that she's done: she started by coloring our wall with colored pencil. We have tried the magic eraser but it has not worked for us so if you have any suggestions please let me know. Later she decided that it was funny to throw things in the toilet such as a roll of toilet paper, toys, and anything else that could go in. Disgusting!!!! She also started to climb on the counter top in the bathroom and let the water run so she dances and plays with the water at the same time. Sounds like fun doesn't it? No, it isn't! I have been drying her bathroom floor more than I can tell. She is also starting to climb our bookshelf. She has also been putting her liquid soap on the mirror in her bathroom and she thinks she is cleaning and helping me. She also decided that it is fun to color her face with markers. The first time I saw it I was busy and couldn't stop her but when she decided to color Lucas' face too I had to stop reading and go and get her. She always chooses the time that I am the most busy such as feeding Lucas, changing his diaper, reading, showering, or even cooking. These are all normal behaviors for a two-year-old but we would rather have our sweet little angel back.

I need this sweet little angel back!