It has been a long time since I blogged last. We came back from our trip about 4 weeks ago and since then it has been one thing after another. We all had an awesome time there, including Tim, who went down to Paraguay to pick us up so we extended our trip for 2 more weeks. Ashley is constantly thinking about the trip and telling us how much she misses everyone there. Ashley had a very hard time leaving my family but she is doing better than she did when we first got back. Here are some pictures of our time there.

This picture pretty much tells you how Lucas was a NIGHTMARE~~~

This is at the airport in Asuncion. I was so excited to see Ashley!!! Here are Martin, Cristi and Carolina.

The day Tim got there!!! I have mentioned before that in my family we welcome anyone with steak and lots of food. I just love it!!

Ashley and her favorite cousin...Martin

Tim, Lucas and me walking on a sunny afternoon by the Palacio del Gobierno (President's office)

The back view of the President's Office.

Ashley's first day of class. She refused to put her uniform on so this is how she went to school...

My mom and I watching the kids play at the pool.

Ashley and all of her friends from school.

Lucas loves bread. He had it every single day. It is sooo good and you can get them from the bakeries as soon as they come out of the oven ( every hour) can't beat that!

Ashley and Lucas playing at the pool our last week there.

Ashley's last day at school with my mom.

For her last day at school she got balloons, letters and all kind of things to remind her of her friends.

Tia Cari took the kids to the movies, to watch some plays such as the Wizzard of Oz, to places to eat, and to the mall so they could ride/play as much as they wanted. She is one FUN aunt! Ashley sure misses her.

My sister had us over too. The night before we stayed up late playing Wii and having fun. Needless to say, the kids were LATE for school but they didn't care.

Ashley and her new Ariel backpack. She was the happiest student once she got her backpack.

We often went to the Mall to eat and watch some shows. Here are my mom and Lucas.

My mom, Ashley, and me.
Tim and I at a Steak House. There is nothing like a good piece of tender and juicy meat:)

It was fun not to have the kids with us. My brother stayed home and watched them for us. My whole family was there (except my brother) until 2:00am!!!

My dad and Ashley our last night at their house.

Tia Cari and the kids. At the last minute, Cari got Ashley a little dog and at the airport she bought a necklace for him. Ashley was very sad by then so Cari tried anything that she could do to make her happy.
Thank you so much to my family for their hospitality and patience with us. We had a great time and miss them a lot.