For Labor Day we went to Medicine Park. We had lots of fun there and ate at the famous Meers store!! It was a fun day.
I took Ashley to see Disney on Ice. She loved it. I hated that I couldn't take Lucas with me. I just didn't think that he was going to sit through it all.
Lucas has been ...Lucas, that's all I could say. He thinks the bathtub is an Olympic pool. A few weeks ago he jumped and busted his chin. He got 4 stitches.
Caleb is now 3 months old. He is an awesome baby!
Last week Ashley had her ballet recital. Unfortunately we didn't make it on time for the whole program:( I felt so bad and she comforted me. She is such a sweet girl.
Lucas started MDO about a month ago and he loves it. He gets so excited to take his backpack and lunch bag with him. He even tells me what he wants for lunch.
Lucas at his school.
The night before the kids started school we had a big "Back to School" dinner/party. They chose dinner, dessert and a movie. Lucas eating his cupcake. Ashley chose pink for the cupcakes:)
After picking up Ashley from school the kids were so happy to see each other again. The missed each other so much.
Ashley's first day at school.
Ashley eating her cupcake.
The kids love to play dress up. Ashley is in love with Tinker Bell that my friend Sheri got her and Lucas often chooses to be Belle. We let it slide since he is only 2.
Ashley's first day at her ballet class.